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Help Your Kids Show Off Healthy Smiles

cute girl showing teeth to dentistThe team at Princeton Dental loves meeting children and looking after them and their oral health. Every member of our staff is well-versed in treating children and makes their experience welcoming and fun.

Getting Familiar With the Dentist

Surprisingly, one of the most critical steps to ensuring your child keeps their teeth and gum healthy doesn’t have anything to do with brushing or flossing.

We recommend that you bring your younger ones in at their big brother or sister’s appointment with us. They can become familiar with our practice and team. Then, they’ll be looking forward to their turn with us. We can even give them a “free ride” in the dental chair!

Good oral health for children starts with a combination of at-home oral care practices and regular dental check-ups. Here are some tips for parents to help their children maintain healthy teeth and gums:

Start Early: Begin oral care as soon as your child’s first tooth erupts. Wipe the tooth with a soft, damp cloth or use a child-sized toothbrush.

Use Fluoridated Toothpaste: Once your child is old enough to spit (around age 2), use a small amount of fluoride toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice) on their toothbrush.

Supervise Brushing: Young children may need assistance with brushing their teeth until they have the dexterity to do it effectively, typically around age 6 or 7.

Establish a Routine: Encourage a consistent oral care routine by brushing at least twice a day, usually after breakfast and before bedtime.

Floss Daily: Start flossing your child’s teeth as soon as there are two adjacent teeth. Flossing helps remove food particles and plaque between teeth.

Use the Right Toothbrush: Ensure your child uses a child-sized, soft-bristle toothbrush that is appropriate for their age and mouth size.

Healthy Diet: Limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks. Encourage a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and lean proteins.

Hydration: Promote drinking water throughout the day, which can help rinse away food particles and maintain saliva production, essential for oral health.

Limit Sugary Snacks: Offer healthy snacks like fruits and vegetables instead of sugary snacks and candies.

Rewarding Kids for a Job Well Done

We provide a broad range of services for kids including checkups, early orthodontics assessment, emergency dentistry and more. At their routine checkups, we’ll show your child how to take care of their teeth.

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule allows up to $1052 in dental care every two years for children between the ages of 2-17. Would you like to know whether your child is covered?

Get in touch with us, and we’ll check their eligibility for you!


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